Testing Plans Approved by ADGA Directors (2004 Guidebook)

Standard Test

Testing supervisor comes to a herd to record milk weights and take component (milk) samples both AM and PM, once each test.

Group Test

A group of three or more people can test each other’s herd. Sampling and weighing occur depending upon which test plan has been selected. Groups with more than three members may have non-goat owning members as long as there are a minimum of three herds involved. Exception: Groups formed prior to the adoption of these standards (10/00) and documented with ADGA may remain intact. Every member in DHIA West is required to take training from a Certified Supervisor and the group must follow rules for the test type plan. Group members may include non-ADGA members or ADGA members using DHI (non-DHIR) plans provided they are identified to ADGA with proper training in ADGA and DHIR procedure.