Plans Accepted for ADGA DHIR Advanced Registry & Star Programs (Standard or Group)
DHIR 20 Standard, basic test plan. Supervisor weighs and samples both milkings on test day. Individual animal Verification Test (VT) required for Top Ten awards. (Passed in 2001 - DCR of 93 required beginning with 2002 lactations)
ADGA ITP 00 Every other month. Owner and supervisor alternate months collecting test day data. Owner weights only and sends in barn sheets. Supervisor weighs and collects samples. ADGA audits apply. Annual VT required. NOT accepted for Breed Leader - Top Ten awards.
ADGA ITP 01 APT Supervisor and owner share responsibility for collecting test day weights, alternating the AM and PM weighing each month. Supervisor also collects component samples when weighing. A time monitor must be installed. Annual herd VT required. Minimum Data Collection Rating (DCR) of 93 required for Top Ten awards.
ADGA ITP 02 APCS Supervisor and owner share responsibility for collecting test day weights, alternating the AP and PM weighing each month. Supervisor also collects component samples when weighing. Annual herd VT required. Minimum DCR of 93 required for Top Ten awards.
DHIR 21 APT Supervisor collects one test day weight, alternating the AM and PM weighing each month. Supervisor also collects component samples when weighing. DRPC will determine 2nd weight. A time monitor must be installed. Annual herd VT required. Minimum DCR of 93 required for Top Ten awards.
DHIR 22 APCS Supervisor collects both test day weights. Supervisor also collects component samples alternating AM and PM samples each month. Annual herd VT and minimum DCR of 93 required for Top Ten awards.
DHIR 23 AP Supervisor collects one test day weight, alternating the AM and PM weighing each month. Supervisor also collects component samples when weighing. DRPC will determine second weight. Breed association may determine additional requirements. Bulk tank comparison required as a VT. Minimum DCR of 93 required for Top Ten awards.
O/S 40 Owner/sampler weighs and samples each month and is responsible for sending in samples and paperwork. For STAR recognition, a minimum DCR of 75 is required plus a herd verification test when the herd is 60-150 Days in Milk. For advanced registry, the same applies. In addition, the animal must have 240 days in milk, 8 tests, and the owner must provide documentation to ADGA regarding training. This is for those interested in 10 months of testing each year. CaDHIA requires owners to attend a tester training before choosing this plan.